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  一般认为有一头健康的头?和?满肌肉的身体是互相矛盾的,毕竟雄性秃与DHT,偏高的男性贺尔蒙(与5a还塬?结合)有关,但如何提高合成固醇(anabolic steroid,用以增强肌肉)而不需要面可能的掉?问题呢?鱼与熊掌可兼得,这是有可能的,不过你必须很清楚知道自己在干嘛。在这?将探就特定」固醇药物」对头?的影响,让你避免不慎危及你的头?,或是因为害怕而错失一些固醇药物的优点。在此一位健身超过20年之久的专业人士,对类固醇、健身与掉?提出建议:

  Deca Durabolin –体育界着名的合成类固醇,服用这个时,我从来没有头?方面的问题,其他跟我谈过的上百位男人也没有。在考虑掉?的情况下,这个合成类固醇的安全性在于,5a还塬酶(5-alpha-reductase enzyme)没把Deca Durabolin转换成像是DHT更强壮的男性贺尔蒙,,却将它转换成较做DHN非常温和的男性贺尔蒙。如果服用的剂量一个礼拜最多只有300-400mg,那不应该会产生任何掉?的问题,因为事实上,做为一个高HPTA抑制性雄性激素,300-400mg不比我们的内源性?酮素(当吸收进来时被抑制)还高。需要特别注意的是:当你在服用Deca Durabolin时,绝对绝对不要使用5AR阻断剂像是Proscar/Propecia,因为它可能阻断像头皮和前列腺组织内nandrolone转换成DHN的作用,结果就会造成掉?与BPH(前列腺肿大),这也就是为什么我们要避免使用Deca。

  Testosterone cypionate, propionate, etc., androderm, sustanon 250–?固酮,丙酸盐,等等……,androderm,sustanon 250:这些都与?丸素调剂不同,当考虑到掉?时,它们都有相同的特性:藉由5a还塬酶(5-alpha-reductase enzyme)转换成DHT。这就是为什么?丸素会那么的像雄性激素。但是,如果?丸素与5AR阻断剂像是Proscar同时服用时,对你的头?几乎不会造成伤害。所以,如果你很介意掉?的问题并且正在服用?丸素,一定要与Proscar一起使用。如果考虑到DHT是一种抗雌激素并且当体内有导致男性女乳症的超生理剂量?丸素时会组断它的情况下,建议结合Proscar与Arimidix(aromatase阻断剂)使用。

  Anadro\50 –如果你非常珍惜你的头?,远离它10公尺以外。似乎没有甚么东西可以控制它对头?的负面影响。Proscar,Nizoral,通通都控制不了。

  Dianabol – 和Anadrol\50一样。

  Primobolan – 一种较少雄激素的类固醇。如果你在意掉?,那么这个类固醇很适合你。它的男性贺尔蒙含量比固醇多。

  Oxandrolone (Anavar) – 除了Primobolan and Deca外,对你的头?来说这是最安全的类固醇。

  Boldenone (Equipoise) – 继Primo, Anavar and Deca之后,对你的头?来说这有可能是最安全的。虽然它会经过5a还塬过程 (5-alpha-reduction),它与这种酵素间的作用是很小的,只有一点点的转换。此外它的5a还塬形式,并不像男性贺尔蒙之于DHT那样。

  DHEA – 对头?在男性中不会有负面影响。可能会藉由抵销DHT与毛囊结合预防掉?。这项产品对于有掉?的女性是一个灾难。DHEA在女性中所造成的掉?就如同DHT在男性中造成的掉?一样。DHEA歧视女性!

  Androstenedione – 市场上最糟糕的贺尔蒙前导物质。它有很低的?丸素转换,约5%,低到不行。更糟的是,在它转换成?丸素之前,androstenedione直接与aromatase和5AR直接交互作用,所以在转换成目标荷尔蒙前转换成雌激素与DHT。

  1-testosterone – 至少一直以来都是一种合法的类固醇。它非常男性贺尔蒙也非常固醇。虽然这是一种5a还塬类固醇并且它已一种为之的路径转换成DHT,就算与Proscar一起使用也不会避免DHT转换。它的固醇/男性贺尔蒙比[约(1.5-2):1]只稍微比测试(1:1)高一点。如果你很珍惜你的头?,请务必小心使用。


  结论:在考虑到掉?的情况下而使用的安全产品是一个有Primobolan, Oxandrolone and Deca的循环。当考虑Deca时,虽然对你的头?很温和,但对HPTA supression 和 gynecomastia来说,它没有像oxandrolone 和primobolan一样安全。如果你想要全然安全地使用类固醇并且避免任何危及你健康(包括你的头?)的情况之下,使用包括Oxandrolone和Primobolan的循环模式。






  It used to be thought that having a full healthy head of hair and a muscular ripped body were contradictory, if not mutually exclusive propositions, after all if hair loss was related to DHT, and high male hormone levels, how could anyone maximize their own anabolic potential and not have to simultaneously deal with hair loss?? I am personally self absorbed and narcissistic enough to demand both, and have dedicated a great deal of time investigating just how I could have both. All I can tell you is that, after talking to literally hundreds of athletes and bodybuilders, and my own personal experience, it is possible, but you have to know what you're doing.

  In this piece I will delve into what effects certain "anabolic agents" consistently have on scalp hair, so you won't inadvertently compromise your hair, or perhaps miss out on some beneficial anabolic agents for fear they will. It may seem to some like I'm advocating the use of certain steroids or stacks, and perhaps I am. I've been training for more then 20 years, and have rally been around the block in this business. I have never had a desire to compete, but have successfully (and unsuccessfully at times) used various "anabolic agents" to stay in top shape, and will continue to do so.

  My commitment is simply to tell you in a straightforward, no B.S. way and which ones are safe to use. The medical and legal considerations and ramifications are obviously yours to deal with on an individual basis. As always, consult a "physician".

  Deca Durabolin - I've never had a problem with my hair on this one, neither have hundreds of other guys I've talked to. The safety of this steroid, as far as hairloss is concerned, stems from the fact that 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, instead of converting it to a stronger androgen like DHT, converts it to a very mild androgen called DHN. Taken in dosages of up to 300-400 mg weekly it shouldn't produce any hairloss problems, this is due to the fact that, being a highly HPTA supressive androgen, 300-400 mg are no more androgenic than our endogenous testosterone (supressed while we are taking it) would be.. One BIG word of caution: While you are taken Deca Durabolin never ever take 5AR blockers such as Proscar/Propecia, for it would block the conversion of nandrolone to DHN in tissues such as the scalp and the prostate, resulting in hairloss and BPH, which is what we are trying to avoid taking Deca.

  Testosterone cypionate, propionate, etc., androderm, sustanon 250: All of these are different testosterone preparations, they all have the same properties as far as hairloss is concerned: they convert to DHT via 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. That's the main reason why testosterone is so androgenic. However, if one takes testosterone along with a 5AR blocker such as Proscar it's not nearly that harmful for your hair. So, if you are concerned about hairloss and are taking testosterone, always use it along with Proscar. Take into account that DHT is an anti-estrogen and blocking it while your body has supraphysiological levels of testosterone might lead to gynecomastia, so it's advisable to combine Proscar with Arimidex (an aromatase inhibitor).

  Anadrol\50 - If you value your hair, don't touch this one with a ten foot pole. Nothing seems to control its negative effects on hair. Not Proscar, Not Nizoral, nothing...

  Dianabol -Same as Anadrol\50.

  Primobolan - One of the less androgenic steroids. If you are concerned about hairloss this steroid is for you. It's much more anabolic than it is androgenic.

  Oxandrolone (Anavar) - It's the safest steroid for your hair along with Primobolan and Deca.

  Boldenone (Equipoise) - After the Primo, Anavar and Deca this is probably one of the safest for your hair. Although it undergoes 5-alpha-reduction, its affinity for this enzyme is minimal, so there is very little conversion. Moreover, its 5-alpha-reduced form is not as androgenic as DHT.

  DHEA - Does not negatively affect hair in men. May help prevent hair loss by offsetting the binding of DHT to follicles. The product is a Disaster for women with hair loss. DHEA causes hair loss in women much like DHT in Men. DHEA discriminates against women.

  Androstenedione - The worst of all prohormones in the market. It has a low conversion to testosterone, around 5%, which is damn too low. Worse yet is the fact that, before converting to testosterone, androstenedione directly interacts with aromatase and 5AR, thus converting to estrogen and DHT prior to conversion to target hormone.. You will be far better of using testosterone than this scum.

  1-testosterone - A legal steroid, at least for the time being. It's very androgenic and very anabolic. Although it's a 5-alpha-reduced steroid it converts to DHT through an unknown pathway, so using Proscar along with it won't avoid DHT conversion. Its anabolic/androgenic ratio (~(1.5-2):1) is slightly higher than that of test (1:1). Be wary while using this product if you value your hair.

  As time goes on, certainly cleaner, anabolic agents will be developed. The vast majority of users I talked to, have been on Prpecia/Proscar and Nizoral, myself included (amongst many other things).

  Finally, take into account that you should also use topical spironolactone (2-5%) while juicing. This product directly antagonizes scalp ARs when used topically, hence it will be useful with any sort of steroid, even those that do not undergo 5-alpha-reduction.

  Conclusion: The safety stack as far as hairloss is concerned would be a cycle consisting of Primobolan, Oxandrolone and Deca. Take into account that Deca, although being very mild for your hair, is not nearly as safe as oxandrolone and primobolan as far as HPTA supression and gynecomastia is concerned. If you want to play it completely safe when using steroid and avoid jeopardizing your health (and not only your hair) use cycles consisting of Oxandrolone and Primobolan.











